
Our customers will be pleased with their comfort and practicality level

The Architect Studio company provides innovative architectural solutions that will amaze by their beauty and exclusiveness for objects of any complexity level.  Architects design and create residential buildings, retail and entertainment facilities, offices that are convenient for human life and activities, so all new buildings must fit into the environment.

Our team takes a responsible and comprehensive approach to solving design problems. It allows us to perform high-quality services related to the formation of the urban environment, architecture and design.

Examples of the work that we carry out are the following. The development of an architectural concept, the creation of projects for the reconstruction of buildings, the design of buildings for various purposes, the implementation of design projects for the interior of a house, office, building facade.


We provide each project with high-quality service

Architect Studio’s mission is to provide and implement comprehensive, high-quality, guaranteed and safe architectural engineering and design solutions.

One of the main tasks of the company is to design and create an exclusive, harmonious and functional design for premises of any type and purpose.

We provide services in the field of design e.g. design of building facades, office interior design, home interior design, architectural design, environment development projecting, territory redevelopment, public space design and much, much more.

In our activity, we do not use templates as we find non-standard solutions for each of our clients. We always strive to create an innovative project. We use only high-quality and safe materials in our work.

We take into account all the ideas and wishes of customers, we apply innovative design solutions and materials in our work, so each new project is distinguished by its original design and creative idea.


Designer selects the most important angles

You can see the spatial and volumetric representation of the new image of your house, the internal layout and furnishings, the architectural design of the facade in great detail and from all sides, using our service of 3D modelling and visualization of the project.

We create 3D models based on the CAD files of the object and the design proposal for the style solution of the facades, which allows you to avoid any disagreements between the client and the designer because the customer can choose the one that he likes best or make his own adjustments among several options.

Awesome family home

A unique residential building in the traditional style.

Traditional family house

Residential house in a traditional style for a large family.

Unique and modern home

Externally, the massive and complex house accommodates on 108 square meters two bedrooms, a spacious area with a kitchen, living room and dining room.

project of a building for a gallery

The architecture of the building creates a convenient multifunctional space for exhibitions, recreation and communication.

Interior in the apartment

The restrained and austere interior of this spacious apartment is made in calm pastel colors. The predominance of light colors combined with dark elements create a laconic and light-filled space.

Modern minimalistic design

The entire interior is made up of different elements, colors and textures that combine to create a multi-faceted and interesting space.

Kitchen design

Warm shades and natural materials create a cozy atmosphere of harmony and warmth of a country house.

Cafe design

The cafe helps to unite creative people. The interior features harmonious color combinations that emphasize the character and atmosphere of the rooms.

Modeling of houses

Modeling of residential buildings and complexes.

Modeling rooms

Modeling of premises and development of interior design

Modeling rooms

Room modeling and interior design development in several variants.

Modeling of premises

Modeling of social and technical premises.